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How To Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine

by Ané Auret 2 min read

The Glow Show beauty by Ané podcast how to spring clean and declutter your beauty routine





7 Steps to Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine  

Who doesn’t love a good clear out? Getting rid of things we no longer need, feeling brighter and lighter and just a bit more organised, saving time and money in the process - what’s not to like! What can seem like a chore can actually be a lot of fun, and I promise the end result will be worth it.


I’ve just done done a big old clearout myself and thought I’d share with you the steps that made it easier and quicker overall to organise and declutter my own beauty and makeup collection. All it takes a is a little bit of planning. And you can use these easy steps to plan any kind of spring clean or clearout, anywhere in the home.


A few key things to remember:


  1. It always gets worse before it gets better.
  2. Be prepared to be ruthless. A good principle is to take out anything you haven’t used in the last 3 - 6 months, chances are that isn’t going to change in the next six.
  3. Out of sight, out of mind. Anything you can’t see has the potential to still be there again in 6 months time


Thank you for listening, I hope you feel inspired to do some decluttering and spring cleaning of your own.



Links & Resources Mentioned 


The Beauty Banks



SUNFICON Rotating Makeup Organiser


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